Wednesday 21 January 2015

Digital Manipulation for Risk Project (Core Work)

I combined my digital photographs with some of my core work. I combined them with my glue entrapments. To create these I used blend modes. I think these are quite bold because of the different textures and colours combined with the normal photos. These are a lot of different tones in my work such as pinks, oranges. I thought of composition when creating these because I combined the glue entrapments where they would look best on the image. The tones of these create a familiar and warm feeling because of the warm colours. These are based on primary imagery combined with my core work. I developed the images on the right by combining my glue entrapments with these using photoshop. The strengths of these are: the tones and the composition of the glue entrapments. To improve I could combine other things such as lino prints with my photographs.

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